Saturday, January 25, 2020

Milton S Epic Poem A Paradise Lost Theology Religion Essay

Milton S Epic Poem A Paradise Lost Theology Religion Essay Paradise Lost could possibly be regarded as one of the most controversial and dangerously convincing piece of literary works of all time. Although, ironically English Scholars and English teachings tend to ignore Miltons masterpiece as an exquisitely elegant form of written work, along with the dismissal of the English Commonwealth from 1649 to 1660. The English Commonwealth was a significantly major part of the British Monarch effecting both religious and political ways of life. There are many early modern literature works that were created during this catastrophic event who attempted to influence the British Public through their subtle underlying Propaganda, yet still sticking to strict authorities. Milton was among these writers that were appointed to specifically use his ability to base transcripts, poems and books on maybe the reflection of how leaders of Britain wanted its citizens to think and live. Milton was an influential part of the literary movement of the time that encom passed a move away from free expression and instead became a voice for the governments agenda of the  period. Milton had many creative works but one particular text over the years has stirred up debates across the minds of many critics. Even by todays standards Paradise Lost has caused controversy, leading into accusations of denying Christianity to the sympathising of the devil. After researching critics that have based their works on studying Miltons epic poem, along with looking closely at his involvement with powerful figures of 17th century government, will assist in determining if Paradise Lost was specifically used for political propaganda or if it was purely written from Miltons own beliefs and experiences. On the surface Miltons Paradise Lost, one could say, is a biblical reconstruction of the globally famous story that basis its context for the doctrine of the original sin. There are many critics that have revolved their analysis of Miltons epic poem solely on the theme of religion, which are the major factors that lead to the disproval of Miltons work. Religion during Seventeenth Century Britain was compulsory; it was indeed part of the law to attend to church. Milton himself was a devote Christian which oppose the views of the likes of Blake and C.S Lewis as they accused him of sympathising with the devil. Both insisted Milton was part of the the devil party. Both observations from these key early critics are a contradiction upon Miltons actual religious beliefs and practices he took part in. They accuse Milton of creating him as a sort of sub hero and provide him with humanised characteristics thus making him to be a dangerously likeable character [quote from a critic that support s this]. Realistically, the content of Paradise Lost does in fact have particular parts that reflect upon these early critical responses to the poem. Specifically in books [ ] the devil seems to become the most humanised character of them all, the speeches he presents to the reader are so simply rhetorically persuasive and some of the most beautiful words come from the mouth of Satan, thus the reader being human can relate more so than that of God[quote]. The reader relates through jealously, seduction and the tempting mind, these being only a few of the attributes humans possess that make up who they are. Therefore these human abilities such as failure, temptations and desire are being regarded to be atrocious because they are being presented through the most famously sinful figure in religion, Satan. Consequently leading to the conclusion that Milton could quite possibly be criticising Christianity suggesting the religion denies a humans downfalls, these downfalls being what make a human, human. However, in retrospect to this argument and the question I ask myself, if Milton was a devote Christian himself why would he deny the religion? There were many figures in the literary world that were against the idea that Milton was portraying Christianity as a corrupt religion and believed Paradise Last was actually strongly supporting his own belief [read keel]. Paradise Lost was written after the Restoration of the monarchy of Charles II in sixteen sixty, when he returned the Church of England back to how it was when his father ruled the country. This brought back the restoration of the Catholic Church and the Puritan faith had failed to subdue and the religion was made illegal. It is a very subjective text and the answers are not all in black and white it is extremely hard to pin point what Miltons exact beliefs were but readers must be aware that he was a very religious man. We can see through many parts of the collection of poems some of his beliefs and can interoperate to an e xtent what he was actually trying to say through his words. Therefore from my own research and opinions I have come to accept it is not plausible to claim that Milton is directly attacking the Christian faith. Milton often changed his views of the corrupt religion and government of the time of Britain in the sixteen hundreds, but he wasnt afraid to express his belief as a Puritan. Puritanism was associated on the Parliamentary side during the English Civil War against the Laudianism Church on the Monarchist side. The puritan faith focused on the importance of preaching from the Bible and the idea that God is the only leader of the Church and Milton evidently believed in God, being noticeable through the portrayal of God being the creator and the King of the heavens [Quote from PL]. Paradise Lost is a reconstruction of a well known biblical story of the original sin; therefore this is defiant evidence that Milton pin pointed the importance of unambiguous preaching. Of course many of Miltons masterpieces were a form of preaching; Lares (2001, pg.1) states in Milton and the preaching arts: Miltons poetic programme in terms of genres in which he may choose to write and on this sense of vocation to serve as a poet-priest. The angels in Paradise Lost can be seen as figures of preachers, a subtle way for Milton to put his message across to his readers. As seen through the angel Raphael Milton applies his preaching words through the mouth of the angel, one specific example that shows a message being advocated across is where Raphael is sent forth to Adam to warn him not to eat from the forbidden tree: in the day thou eatst, thou diest; Death is the penalty imposed; beware And govern well thy appetite; lest Sin Surprise thee, and her black attendant Death. (VII 544-547) Raphael here is warning Adam the extent of his punishment if he is to eat the forbidden fruit having an aim to encourage the obedience of Adam towards God. However as Lares (2001, pg.152), again, quotes that in fact Milton favours correction, and in fact has his angel warn against sin rather than encourage virtue Due to background reading it is known that Milton was in favour of the Independents (see further on for more information about Independents) therefore this particular part of his epic poem communicates Miltons own religious views that everyone is entitled to choose what they believe in and not what institutions tell them to believe in. There is also evidence that Milton agreed with this idea that religion should be accessible to the ordinary person, he took part in writing poems for productions in theatres to allow anybody from all walks of life to be educated about God. Milton, like any other Puritan believed in joyfully practicing the faith and some focused on the value of nature and arts and the natural world. Here the Romantic Writers of the sixteenth century can be linked in to Miltons epic poem where throughout beautiful descriptions of the paradise plays an important part of imagery to the readers. WRITE ABOUT Romantics Another factor that contributes to this idea that Milton believed in an equal soceity is the humanising of Satan. Milton believed in an Independent Church, The independents wanted each specific congregation to be able to decide for itself its beliefs and practices. (Christs College  at  Cambridge University). Here I think, personally, that he believed very passionately in God but he did not believe in the institutions that claimed to be doing Gods will. In other words he warned people against believing everything you hear in church and believed instead in following your own personal beliefs so you have a relationship with God instead of with the church. This is conveyed by allowing both Adam and Eve and the devil to be accessible to their freewill. Thus portraying the devil just as human as anyone else; this could also relate to freewill and the Devils own choices to revolt against God. These ideas surrounding free will are explored in chapter one. However some say that Milton re tracts the reader away from the dehumanising of the devil by indeed making him relatable to us in order for us to feel guilty that we feel sympathetic towards him after realising he is in fact evil, by the use of reverse psychology. Milton emphasises how dangerously tempting Satan is therefore attending church and believing in what you believe in will protect from the evil hands of the devil. [Critics quote] Although on the surface Paradise Lost is indeed a biblical piece of literary work, however under the surface there are many hidden messages through Miltons work that can be determined as Political Propaganda of its time. During the Civil war and the Commonwealth Milton was involved heavily with the Government and especially worked closely with Oliver Cromwell. He was appointed the Secretary of Foreign Tongues under the Cromwellian Government and played an important role of being the voice for the English Revolution to the rest of the country. Unlike many he believed in the Republic and was in favour of freedom the Commonwealth have provided for the Puritan faith. Miltons first piece of major Political Propaganda was The  Readie and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth where he emphasised the importance and benefits of a British Republic. Paradise Lost is possibly a less obvious form of political regime than the less subtle works he created, however it is achievable to regard certain characters and events as parallel to that of what is happening in the real world. Starting with the Devil: He is constantly fighting for his own dignity and freedom which causes the sympathy most people fight for a democracy especially in 17th century Britain Devil is a symbolic of the failure of the discourse of politics and the corrupt religion should be free and not illegal. The devil could actually be a portrayal of Cromwell or maybe even Milton himself constant battle with lord and rules god/king However when PL was written it was known that Milton actually changed his views on Cromwell and saw flaws in him son couldnt follow him, false leader ship is the devil, wrong.. God can be seen obviously as Godomniscient/ powerful/ leader highly regarded in paradise lost, so should he be in society and not the king the devil could also be see Many Throughout Miltons work there is a fine line between his political and religious beliefs

Friday, January 17, 2020

Life of Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman is one of the most eminent poets of America who expressed the condition of nineteenth century American society in his works, which always reflected the cruel, unjust and discerning face of the country. In his period the Americans reviewed those illustrations unpatriotic so his poetic license was very much condemned. At the time of his death only he got recognition by his country.Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819 in West Hills, New York. His father, Walter Whitman, Sr., was a carpenter and farmer. Whitman was named after his father. His origin was mixed with English and Dutch. He was the second son of Walter Whitman and Louisa Van Velsor, the granddaughter of a sea captain. When Walt was not just even four years old, Walter Sr. with his family that consisted of nine children moved to Brooklyn, which was a growing city, across from New York. As he was not successful in any of his trade so he decided to try his fortune in house building. And when Walt was six year old, General Lafayette who visited the New York that time carried him. This is described in some of Walt’s stories (Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price).Walt was born in a newly shaped United States. The young Whitman got lots of opportunities to gather experience from his farm life and the new city society that helped him to prepare his attitude for writing. Walt’s love for living close to the East River later reflected in his poem â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry†, published in 1856 where he has shared his experience that how as a child he used to ride ferries onwards and reverse to New York city. That was the most reminiscent experience in his life. This daily commuting became the symbol of the way from life to death and to life again (Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price).In Brooklyn Whitman finished his elementary schooling. He spent his six years in Brooklyn public school with different backgrounds and age group children. He described later in his journals and poetry that he never liked physical punishment in schools. Except this formal education of schooling he received most of the significant education from outside like visiting museums and libraries and by attending lectures. He never forgot the first great lecture given by Quaker leader, Elias Hicks who was a very good friend of his grandfather Jesse.In his boyhood, Whitman’s one of the favorite activities was to visit his grandparents on Long Island and the beauty of that mystical land attracted him a lot. His love to that place is revealed from his poem â€Å"Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking†. As Whitman grew up in both places like growing and energetic city Brooklyn and idle Long Island countryside, the double adherence of urban and rural life can be marked out in his poetry (Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price).When Whitman finished his formal schooling, at the age of eleven, he started working as a clerk in a local office of some lawyers where his work was related to the libraries and there he got chance to start with his informal education. His love to get engaged with everyone in conversation and discussion also increased his knowledge. He was also a nonstop reader. When other celebrated writers of his time were taking well-arranged education from private institutions, Whitman was busy in gathering information about history, literature, music and some other fields from the fastest growing city New York.In 1831 he learnt printing trade during being an apprentice in Patriot, a newspaper and started liking written word. Here he observed how the thoughts could be changed in to language and soon could be transmitted to the readers. As he was mainly self-taught, he became familiar with the works of Dante, Shakespeare, Homer and the Bible. At the age of twelve only he also added his words in the newspaper.In 1833, his family moved back to the West Hills. Whitman was alone in the city experiencing the freedom that could make his career. These were the years, which taught him the changing parameters of life that reflects in his poetry also. In his poetry, journalism and prose one can find focus on the history of Brooklyn, Long Island and New York City.Walt was living separately from his family and was increasing his knowledge from different sources like in the libraries he read about Sir Walter Scott, James Cooper and other romance novelists. He saw the theatres where he liked Shakespeare a lot. Richard III had always been Whitman’s favorite play. He gathered lots of knowledge from different lectures of Francis Wright who was a Scottish Women’s right advocate   (Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price).At the age of sixteen he was about to set his career in the printing trade and news paper when in two cases of fire destruction in the printing industry of New York city stopped him and in 1836 Whitman joined his family back in Hampstead.Though Whitman had very little formal education still he developed some skills of reading and writing through the profession of apprentice in the newspaper. That was sufficient for the type of teaching he could do for some time. He opposed his father who wanted him to work on their new farm, as he never wanted to be a farmer. Only teaching was the career left for him to support him and his family in a very bad financial situation.In his five years of teaching profession he taught in many different towns of Long Island with a very little payment. Whitman proved to be a good teacher and he encouraged the students to think instead of only reciting. He discouraged the punishment and he involved the students in educational games. Whitman’s educational philosophy can be understood in his poem â€Å"There Was a Child Went Forth† commemorating extra curricular learning. He valued the variety of education. His suspicion for the classroom is produced from the poem â€Å"Song Of Myself† where a child ask the question â€Å"What is a grass?† and this is the question that makes Whitman thinking for a simple question. He kept himself energetic by discussing about societies. He also did campaigning for Martin Van Buren’s and became the hard worker for the Democratic Party.In 1838, he tried to start his own newspaper ‘The Long Islander’. He also bought a press and kept his brother George as an assistant. Though he actively wrote, published and edited still, he could not continue long in this field and unwillingly he had to continue in teaching and by 1841 his teaching career was almost at end. He was happy with his newspaper work and could not find happiness in teaching.In the late 1840s, Whitman wrote some journalistic pieces and by the early 1860s, he permanently left teaching career, as he did not find himself suited in this career. Then he decided not to make his career in fiction writing, instead establish himself in the career of journalism. His poetry and fiction was published in about twenty newspapers and magazines. His stories were published in Democratic Review, the most reputed magazine of the nation. His stories are full of professional and psychological matters.His story ‘The Shadow and The Light of a Young Man’s Soul’ narrates Whitman’s own attitude. In the story, the hero, Archibald Dean, left the New York City due to a fire incident and took the charge of a school. H e successfully wrote some novella about rising temperance movement. Benjamin who was Whitman’s partner published his Franklin Evans; or the Inebriate in New World. Whitman’s handling romance and passion in this novel is remarkable. Approximately, 20000 copies of Franklin Evans were sold. This was the novel that Whitman completed in three days.Whitman supported temperance movement in his another two stories- ‘Wild Frank’s Return’ and ‘The Child’s Champion’ Soon he started another novel ‘The Madman’ on the theme of temperance but he lef t it in the middle. It is assumed that his temperance issue came from the drinking habits of his father or may be his habit of drinking at the time of school teaching.Whitman and The Leaves of Grass:Having faith in his own fictional journey of national importance, Whitman published his Leaves of Grass on 4 July 1855. He believed that he could give his poetry to the common men and when Leaves of Grass got published, he imagined himself the poet of America and referred himself â€Å"one of the roughs†, a common man (Pierce A. Jason, 1992).The poem clearly classified Whitman’s goal as a national poet who was a self styled poet. Leaves of Grass had the series of edition making the poet and nation’s life unique (Pierce A. Jason, 1992).His ‘The Leaves of Grass’ became the notorious collection. In 1855, he got it published privately, as no reputed publisher was ready to publish it. The 19th century Americans were not ready to accept the subjects like homo- sexuality, respect for prostitutes, religious references about Adams and Eves that was the subject of this work.Whitman included the civil war thing in the third edition of ‘The Leaves of Grass’ as the war erupted in 1861. At that time Abraham Lincoln’s assassination affected him a lot and he got inspiration to write his most remarkable poem â€Å"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom†. His war poetry titled â€Å"Drum Taps† was added in to Leaves of Grass. He would declare that his leaves of Grass spin around the four years of civil war   (Pierce A. Jason, 1992).Whitman was never discouraged. He never stopped revising â€Å"The Leaves of Grass† and kept on adding poems. He added poems at leas eight times. For the first edition of â€Å"The Leaves of Grass†, he paid from his own pocket and got only 795 copies printed. Whitman never put his name on the title page of the book and that was assumed unconventional and it was understood t hat not putting the name on the title page was much about America not the writer himself.Whitman never got married and never left America. He never lost his hope even in his last years, though he was badly criticized for his work â€Å"The Leaves of Grass†. He always kept his self-esteem.In 1881, again the disputable publication of â€Å"The Leaves of Grass† appeared. Same time Whitman published â€Å"Specimen Days and Collect†. In 1888, his collection of newspaper pieces â€Å"November Boughs† was published.On May 26, 1892 Whitman died. And after death he got lot of recognition. American poetry got enriched with the poetic ideas of Whitman. He emphasized on the natural and simple way of poetry. His use of free verse put deep effect on the poetry. His poems have variety in rhythm.After his death he left many notes about the intention of writing â€Å"The Leaves of Grass†. He was a tolerant, contended and joyful man. Whitman’s place in Americ an history is mysterious. It seems that it is based on the ideas upon which America was established (Pierce A. Jason, 1992).References:Biography of Walt Whitman,, Ed and Price, Kenneth M., Biography of Walt Whitman, Edward, Days with Walt Whitman With Some Notes On his Life and worksFolsom, Ed and Price, Kenneth, Rescripting Walt Whitman: An Introduction To His Life and Work.Pierce, Jason A., 1992, Walt Whitman and the development of Leaves of Grass, Life of Walt Whitman, Whitman,

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sample Business Plan - Pastry Shop - 1386 Words

PATISSERIE DELIGHTS by SIETE ONSE – STUDENT BUSINESS PLAN Note: This document is intended only for school requirement. There is no â€Å"Patisserie Delights† by SIETE ONSE Pastry Shop as described below. The names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses used are invented. The data and studies cited are fictitious. May 20, 2013 BBA MM 2-3, SIETE ONSE Group Buenaventura, Gladyz Capuso, Czarilyn Karamihan, Ena Marie Gwyneth Guerta, Daniel Orbe, Joshua Rafol, Rehum Valencia, Aaron Jay Table of Contents I. Title Page and Contents II. Executive summary a. Objectives b. Vision c. Mission d. Company Summary e. Start-up requirements f. Business Location III. Business Description IV.†¦show more content†¦It is a Home-Based Business placed in a two-storey-house that looks like a commercial type building. The top floor is the owner’s home while the pastry shop is located on the ground floor. As starters, though we don’t yet reached its peak but PD’s will surely move from its home base into malls, hotels and restaurants as said above. III. Business Description * Short Explanation of the Industry PATISSERIE DELIGHTS by Siete Onse, is owned and divided equally by Seven Business Partners. These partners serve as Marketing, Advertising, Finance, Management Officers respectively. Incorporation will be decided later on as investors are secured. * Description of the Business PATISSERIE DELIGHTS sells sumptuous, delicious and affordable sweets such as pastries, cakes and cupcakes, perfectly baked with love for all! Customers can dine inside the shop but we are also able to carry out and deliver your pastry orders suited for all occasions. IV. Product/Service Description At PD’s we source the finest and freshest ingredients and use them to bring you delicious foods that satisfies your taste buds. We pride ourselves on better quality and always strive to source our ingredients locally. See below for a selection from our Menu. Pastries and Cupcakes Our selection of pastries are made with the finest ingredients. The perfect match with a cup of coffee. Delicious and tasty!Show MoreRelatedThe Consumption Of Red Velvet s Greatest Asset For The Coffee Value Proposition1219 Words   |  5 Pagesfeature for the business will be the drive-through windows. At the first window, the customer will place their order, the employee will write the order on the requested sized cup(s), place the cup(s) for the other employee, then process the sale. The customer will then drive-through to the second window. The other employee will prepare and serve the order to the customer at the second window. This allows for quicker production. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Buyer Behavior Essay

Introduction Buyers’ behavior is usually affected by a number of factors. In order for buyers to settle on purchasing a given commodity, a series of processes has to take place in their minds. The process of making a decision on what item to purchase is a very complex process whereby buyers have to identify the problems and realize the items they do not have but needed. Whenever consumers realize that there is something that they are missing in their lives, they will attempt to devise mechanisms of acquiring that item. This is also a very complex problem as buyers will have to carry out extensive research so that they set their priorities right and get a good value for their money (Quester et al., 2011). There are several options that are available to the consumers during the buying process. These options affect the decision making process a great deal. The fashion and clothing industry is one of the most affected industries whereby consumers’ decision making process is greatly affe cted by the season, environment, purpose of purchase, money available and comfort/leisure. Problem recognition Problem recognition also known as awareness of need comes out as a result of a difference between someone’s desired state and the actual state. In this stage, the buyer recognizes the problem and the need to have some items at his/her disposal. Once there is a difference between actual state and a state that is desired by a consumer then a problem has been recognized. Problem recognition can be as simple as realizing that a given attire is no longer fitting the user as desired or realizing that some clothes are no longer in fashion. Other factors that can stimulate a person’s recognition that he/she needs an item is a commercial advert that is used to promote the given item.   Whenever a consumer wants to purchase a given item, he/she has to recognize the problem. According to Bruner and Pomazal (1986), Problem recognition is a very important aspect in the buyer behavior as all the other stages in the buying process rely on it. This stage is also regarded as the event trigger as it initiates the purchase decision. This phase also frames the problem solving situation. It is a very crucial stage and if not properly addressed then the buyer is most likely going to make a wrong decision. According to the authors, the process of problem recognition involves all the decisions made by the consumer that makes him/her to settle on a particular purchase. The problem in this case is the purpose for making a given purchase. During this stage, the consumers will identify the items that they need but apparently are not in their wardrobes. Once the problem is recognized, buyers will commence the buying process so as to bridge the gap between the desired state and the actual state. According to Workman and Studak (2006), problem recognition styles which are associated with emerging adults can help marketers to understand the consumers in the clothing and fashion industry. The research carried out by the two authors established that both fashion followers and men reflected a need based approach to the process of problem recognition. However, fashion agents and women reflected a want based approach to problem recognition. It was later established that need based and want based approaches to fashion problem recognition had some relationship to the fashion consumer group membership and gender. (Workman and Studak, 2006). This research also established that the buying behavior depicted by men was totally different from the one portrayed by women in the fashion industry. This was attributed to the fact that they had different sets of problems that triggered the purchase. As men were being triggered by needs, women were triggered by wants thus the difference in the bu ying behavior. There are several causes of problem recognition which may include: A user being unsatisfied with a current product or service in the market. He/she will therefore devise means of achieving a better product with improved functionalities that meets all the desired user requirements. Problem recognition can also be caused by Items being out of stock. The users will realize that some items are no longer in stock and will therefore start looking for alternatives. They will make a decision based on the fact that some items are no longer in stock and therefore being forced to choose on the available options. The consumer needs and wants can also be another cause of problem recognition. In this aspect, different consumers have different needs, wants and tastes. a given decision will be reached at   depending on the consumer needs, wants and tastes, a given decision will be reached at. When consumers are choosing the kinds of clothes to buy, they first have to recognize the problem that is triggering the purchase process. The triggers in most cases are: Weather, whereby consumers will purchase clothes that are best suited for a given season. Hot and cold seasons triggers different types of purchases.   Another trigger of the decision making process when buying clothes is the season whereby some items may be in fashion during a given period of time. In order for the consumers to be in fashion, they may also decide to purchase the product that is fashion so that they remain up to date as far as fashion is concerned. Materialism Materialism involves an aspect of life that is majorly concerned with money and possession. This aspect is based on the organized creation and development of an aspiration to buy goods and services in ever larger amounts. There are several attitudes that consumers have formed towards money and material values. According to Tatzel (2008), this scenario leads to four basic types of consumers. The types of consumers emanating as a result of this are: Value seeker – this class of consumers is tight with money and materialistic Big spender – this class of consumers is loose with money and materialistic Non-spender – this class of consumers is tight with money and not materialistic The experience – this class of consumers is loose with money and not materialistic. The author has attempted to explain how materialism can affect the buyer behavior by considering the above four classes of consumers. In the clothing and fashion industry for instance, buyers are always driven by materialism whereby they desire to acquire items that they feel are satisfying their needs without paying much attention to other aspects of life. The consumers here are driven by the amount of money they have and the amount of items that they can purchase. According to the author, materialism and well-being impact each other negatively. Even though money and possession hold strong attractions, the process of acquiring them is always marred by instances of decline in well being. It has been established that consumer well being is related to low financial aspirations and being low in materialism. According to Miller, McIntyre and Mantrala (1993), materialism also plays a role towards determining the buyer behavior especially among women and high income earners. Men in the fas hion industry are not affected by this aspect. Women are always triggered by their wants and the need to look outstanding in the society. Many women would therefore make additional efforts to so as to acquire new clothes as much as possible. Since women are always being driven by their desires and wants they will buy more in an attempt to satisfy their wants. Men on the other side are not driven by their wants but instead they are driven by the needs. They will only purchase those items that they feel are necessary. Consumer happiness Consumer happiness is also related to consumer satisfaction and consumer well being. It involves the process whereby consumers are contented with the current situation or a new action leads to more suitability hence making them more comfortable. There is a series of decisions that can be made by the consumers but in the long-run bring them gloom. Some aspects of the consumer buying behavior like materialism, affects consumer happiness negatively. According to Tinzel (2008), materialism and consumer happiness/ well being impact each other negatively. This is attributed to the fact that materialism is mainly concerned with the acquisition of commodities and spending money while it takes no consideration of the consumer satisfaction. The more the concept of materialism prevails; the amount of consumer happiness is also reduced in the same order. As consumers buy more (becoming more materialistic), more money is spent in the process and less savings are made. This leaves the consumer uns atisfied in other sections due to financial starvation as all the resources available are spent in acquiring clothes and other fashion related accessories. According to Workman and Studak (2006), each of the two sets of consumers (men and women) attempts to purchase clothes and fashion accessories that will make them happy. The men are mainly concerned with savings while women are concerned with looks. These two aspects will affect the buyer behavior of the two classes of consumers. Miller, McIntyre and Mantrala (1993) on the other hand states that consumer buyer behavior is always inclined towards making the buying process a good experience. This is achieved through social inclusion and performing the buying process with other social aspects of life in mind. Currently there are a number of consumers whose buying behavior is directly related to the aftermath of the shopping/ buying process. Most consumers will strive to purchase items that will give them a boost in their social live s hence making them happier. This aspect is contrary to the proposal found in materialism whereby buyers tend to purchase as much as they can without taking into consideration the aftermath of the purchasing process. Conclusion Different consumers have different buying behaviors which depend on environmental factors, gender and financial well-being. The consumers decision making process when buying clothes is affected by a number of factors. Since it is not possible to satisfy all the requirements when purchasing a given commodity, buyers are required to make a compromise and choose those products that meet most of their needs and ensure that they get the right value for their money. References Bruner, G. and Pomazal, R., (1986) Problem recognition: The first crucial stage of the consumer decision process, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 2(3) pp 43-53. Miller, C., McIntyre, S., and Mantrala, M., (1993), Toward formalising fashion theory, Journal of Marketing Research, Vo. 30 (May) pp 142- 157. Quester, P., Neal, C., Pettigrew, S., Grimmer, M., Davis, T. Hawkins, D. (2011). Consumer behaviour: Implications for marketing strategy (6th ed.). Sydney: Irwin-McGraw Hill Tatzel, M., (2003), The art of buying: Coming to terms with money and materialism, Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol. 4 pp 205-403. 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